Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Evil truth about Hamsters: Be aware, this will blow your mind!

Hamsters: those cute little things that you keep in your room in cages. You can take them out and play with them and you never have to think about them ever doing any harm. This is what I thought too, so don’t be embarrassed, I was a fool like you all.

It was a beautiful spring day in May, I was probably around 11 years old, the time where all girls start to harass their parents about cute little things they can have in cages. Who hasn’t heard this phrase (or said it): “I promise, I will clean the cage, just please give me one!”
I did, and I won the battle - my mum stupidly gave into my request for a hamster and we went to the pet store to get one. But when we arrived the hamsters all lived together and the woman that worked there assured us that they would feel lonely if we didn’t take at least two (that evil monster of a saleswoman, if I ever meet her again I will give her a piece of my mind). So there we left, I was so overly happy and assured that my hamsters would live a happy ever after life. And since they where both girls we would never have to worry about babies.

The thing that makes Hamsters monsters rule # 1:
Even if the evil sales woman assure you they are both girls, you can never know, because they can apparently hide their real gender really well. And just a couple of weeks later you have at least doubled your amount of Hamsters.

The thing that makes Hamsters monsters rule # 2:
You now have to take care of at least four hamsters, and get a new cage, which makes the job you promised your mom in the first place pretty hard to uphold!

The thing that makes Hamsters monsters rule # 3:
You might not know that these little babies mature really REALLY quickly, and then the father of the original babies makes more babies with his previous babies. This results in tiny hamsters that are riddled with incest, and never mature and just lay there without ever getting hair or growing. So in the end your mum has to flush them in the toilet, or get rid of them in some other traumatic way.

Now that you have learned all there is to be aware of , I can tell you the worst of all worst things that happened to me.
I had now separated all of the hamsters except two that were together in a cage because they seemed to get on really well. One day when I was going to school I looked down on them and they where playing “you are it”, with one running after the other all over the cage. It made me smile and laugh and I went of to school thinking that now my troubles where finally over. I was wrong. I came home, did my homework, ate my dinner and then went up to my room to check on my little sweethearts. What I stumbled upon was like the bloodiest CSI crime scene you can ever imagine! The truth was, they where certainly not playing when I left them in the morning. Apparently one of them was actually running for his life! The other hamster had been running around biting the other, until it was too tired to keep going. And the bloodthirsty bastard killer had not stopped there. It had start eating the other poor hamster from its back, pulling out its insides and spreading them all over the cage. I was devastated, I looked with great fear in my eyes at my bloodthirsty psycho killer hamster, and it looked back at me, and I could see he was happy with his sick gruesome cannibalistic work. That is when I really realized: Hamsters are EVIL. Pure evil, sent from the Devil himself. No animal that is supposed to eat only vegetation eats it’s own friend, when he has loads of food and water. This is just evil, nothing else.

Since then I have always expressed my feelings for hamsters in a negative way, and swore from that day that I would never come near one again.
It was therefore not a good surprise when my sister (again the same age), came home with one. I told her my horrible experience with these gruesome, horrible animals, but she said as long as it was alone and got loads of attention it would be fine. But my sister is away at her fathers every other week, and that makes it very hard, cause then it is up to me or my mum to give it food and other supplies. It went well until the week my mum went away and me and hamster where alone in the house. I went and walked around the cage for ages, cursing the little bastard for even existing. Then I looked at it, and as you know, these bloodthirsty cannibals are really cute to look at, example here:

But really I know, that when we look away they really are something like this: 

But good hearted as I am, I started thinking: Maybe I should give this one a change? It looks nice enough..
I walked to the cage and opened it, as soon as it came out of its little house I quickly changed my mind. I will not be able to play with this animal, or cuddle with it. There are just too many memories(just see picture above and you will know what I am talking about). So I sat down, and as usual when I sit down my brain finally start to think, and I found a solution to the problem, so I did not have to even get the hamster out of it’s cage, but still keep it company:


  1. Well, this disturbing confession truly made me worried. I suggest you get a cat (or, you could borrow Pas/Pås), put the cat and the hamster in the same room and tune onto Parry Gripp on Spotify (or YouTube). Evidently, magic things are supposed to happen. Just watch this heartbreaking video:


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought I could see something real evil. But this is just plainly stupidity. All the tragedy happened here is your own fault. You did not do research before you keep a pet. Hamsters are solitary, it is the most basic knowledge you should know, it is very stressful for them to live with another hamster. If you know this very basic fact, all these tragedy won't happen. All animals do incest if you put them together long enough, not just hamsters, hamsters in wild the siblings will go far apart to find a home and live on their own and prevent this to happen. Hamster is never a pet suitable for kids, it is all a stereotype that hamster is child's pet, they are fragile and should be well taken care of, kids are not able to do that, and those stupid parents would even let their kids to take care of a life on their own. Those shop keeper are hired from anywhere and not necessarily know much about hamsters, it is the most stupid thing to ask them for information, they are not reliable. Those shops are business, they just want to sell as much as possible, they don't care about that little life. If you could just go on the internet do a bit of research or read a book, these all won't happen, don't blame on the hamsters for your own mistakes. you put the hamsters in a terrible life but this is what many hamsters gone through because of those ignorant parents and kids.
